Justin Crumpley

MS/HS Principal Welcome

Welcome to Marion C. Early MS/HS! We are so glad that you are here!  I have had the privilege of being a part of this great community for the past 9 years, and I truly believe that there is no better place to be.  All of us here at MCE make it our number one priority to create the best possible learning environment for all of the students that walk through our doors. Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns that you may have.  Together, we will continue to make MCE A Great Place to Learn.  #PantherNation


B.S. (2010): Southwest Baptist University 

M.ED. (2014): William Woods University 

Contact Info:

Phone:  (417)376-2216

Email:  jcrumpley@mcestaff.com 


5309 S Main

Morrisville, Mo 65710